Photo by Mohammed al Bardawil

Better Off Not Knowing

Better off not knowing
that earthquakes topple a city,
Bury young and old, and
make orphans, without pity.

Better off not knowing of
tornados armed with power,
floods which overwhelm and
devastate in their dark hour.

Better off not knowing
that tsunamis kill and maul,
or, that poverty and hunger
paint a picture I appall.

Better off not knowing
that mass murderers exist,
the wounded prey on innocents,
and slavery persists.

Better off not knowing of
the youth who takes his life,
of the abuser, or drug user,
or, of the abandoned wife.

Better off not knowing
that the world is harsh and cruel.
“Nowhere on earth is safe,”
seems the only steadfast rule.

Better off not knowing that
pain festers deep within.
When no one else is watching,
unchecked bitterness begins.

Alas, too late to hide.
I do know what I deplore.
Each day brings news of sorrow,
sin and ruin—more and more.

The knowing is my anguish.
I, unanswered questions, ponder—
the meaning of such pain,
for all who witness, grieve, and wonder.

There isn’t ample time,
nor all the money needed,
to fix this broken world—
huge needs by which I’m greeted.

The glass “half-empty” shouts,
“Life’s a miserable existence!”
Emotions bow and whimper
at reality’s insistence.

The glass “half-full” remembers—
there IS good despite the raw.
There IS hope and new beginnings,
sublime beauty without flaw.

There ARE ways I can re-focus.
There IS sun, not just the rain.
There ARE talents I can offer.
There ARE smiles that lessen pain.

There IS a God of loving-kindness.
There ARE those who sacrifice.
There IS a Savior without equal—
and for me, that should suffice.

Better off not knowing?
Of this thought, I must beware.
As my Jesus loves through me,
I CAN give, and help, and care.

© 2015, 2022 gratefulsue

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