Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Here Is Where I Live

Why do I sometimes wish
for lives I do not have?
Dreams which cannot happen, and
more choices, good or bad?

Because I know my body
won’t outlast all my ambitions.
The temporal clock is ticking and
will quit—despite planned missions

“Eternity in my heart” ¹ is the
way God has explained it…
A will to live forever,
“do it all” and then contain it.

But here is where I live, and
what I have is His provision.
So, how I live and love reveals
my single, or double-vision. ²

  1. Ecclesiastes 3:11

  2. James 1:5-8

© 2015 gratefulsue

back to Authenticity and Empathy

November 17, 2021
The older I get, the more pressure I sometimes feel from the ticking clocks in my life, real or metaphorical. The day is almost over already… The month is almost over… How did we get to ANOTHER YEAR being almost over so fast? My eyesight isn’t what it used to be. My children are now adults. My hair is getting grayer. I haven’t accomplished all my dreams, yet!! As you can tell, it’s easy for me to feel a bit panicked inside, at times.

Do you ever feel that tension? Of course, we all should pursue our God-given dreams as well as we are able. But often, I find that I need to just chill out and stop fighting the smaller gifts and assignments that are given to me each new day, assignments seemingly unrelated to the pursuit of my writing goals and dreams. I must love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-40). This daily discipline of giving to and receiving from the Lord and others is a big part of God’s “dream” for me. As you and I look back on our day, this is what determines real success in God’s eyes.