Photo by Anh Nguyen

It’ll Be Alright

God manages all our mourning.

disappointments damaging dreams
fears frightening the hopeful
disease discouraging the young
abuses assaulting the innocent?

doubts depressing the inspired
heart wounds bleeding on bystanders
hard realities beating up the weary
morals exchanged for pleasures?

children fighting cancer
children born into poverty
children without a family
children without a country?

earthquakes swallowing communities
fires delivering devastation
hurricanes destroying realities
governments run by crazies?

“Manages” doesn’t mean, “manufactures.”
God manages all our mourning.

He promises presence for those still present ¹
helps us navigate the new normal ²
brings light to those who look for it. ³
What wasn’t right becomes, “It’ll be alright”
and, “I’ll be alright.” ⁴

  1. Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5

  2. Psalm 32:8

  3. John 8:12

  4. Philippians 4:11-13

© 2020 gratefulsue
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July 31, 2022
For people who are empathetic, or for that matter, for people who are breathing, there is never a lack of opportunity to be sad about all the people experiencing great pain and suffering in our world. You might be one of those people. Experiencing pain, disease, disaster, suffering, and loss, is all normal. It’s not usually constant for most people, but it may be for some. Regardless of the specifics or the duration, there is a God who cares. He doesn’t make the pain or stop the pain, necessarily. He manages it, particularly when we ask for God’s help. Are you in a difficult situation? Have you experienced loss? Ask God to help you “manage” your mourning— concerning your circumstances.