Photo by Darya Greyowl

It’s Raining Really Hard

It’s raining really hard this morning.
Not the kind of hard with big drops and wind.
This is a dense deluge of small drops and stillness
falling straight down as the forest receives a cold shower.

Still darkish outside.

The autumn leaves release to join the ground
leaving the trees looking like children with missing teeth.
One sunshine yellow beauty still stands out beside her green or naked peers
but now looks gaunt.
She is losing weight by the minute as her battered garment 
surrenders to the torrent.

​A flash flood alert confirms 
what the broken rain gage would have told me.

On the back deck, outside my window,
soaked black, brown, and burnt-yellow leaves are
making a polka-dotted carpet on top of 
the planks and plants and table and chairs. 

Deep rumbles from the sky remind me who’s in charge.
Not my religious sweeping and straightening of the deck​
but an other-worldly, invisible, invincible authority. 


© 2022 gratefulsue

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