Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Life in a Movie

Life in a movie—the colors! The sounds!
Stunning videography and intimacy abound.

The orchestra plays, the camera zooms in
The dream is attained—and everyone wins!

All in the theater are drunk with the wish
That each of our lives would be happy like this.

A plot twist emerges... we all hold our breath.
Hearts break with fear that the dream met its death.

But wait, here’s a new twist—hope saves the day!
Strange providence, luck, with persistence, finds a way!

All sigh with relief. Dry eyes swell with tears.
Hearts burst with joy as we bury our fears.

Such drive deep within us—such longing! The kind
That ne’r goes away ‘til satisfaction it finds.

Our crying for purpose, for meaning and worth
Is freely received with spiritual new birth. ¹

What joy! ² Forgiveness! ³ What love! ⁴ And rest! ⁵
To each newborn child, God gives the very best. ⁶

Yet, e’en with new life, that drive never dies.
Honesty says, we all still have heart cries...

Opportunity and purpose—for some bold great task
Which will for posterity and eternity last.

  1. John 1:12-13, 3:1-17

  2. Psalm 28:6-7

  3. Acts 10:39-43

  4. Romans 8:32

  5. Matthew 11:28-29

  6. Romans 8:28-32

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