Photo by gratefulsue

Make my life a poem, Lord!

Make my life a poem, Lord!
One which inspires and moves
The hearts of readers near and far—
This world, to serve and improve.

Make my life a flower, Lord!
Though fleeting I may be.
Bright with color, joy and wonder,
Reflecting your creativity.

Make my life a painting, Lord!
One longs to enter in—
For contemplation, restoration,
Remembering where to begin.

Make my life a candle, Lord!
For someone in the dark,
Lighting the path of truth and life ¹
And loving with all my heart.

  1. John 14:6

© 2018 gratefulsue

back to Faith and Gratitude

July 17, 2021
The photo for this poem is of an Azalea bush at my house. You can’t see it very well when you are approaching my front door. The green leaves blend into the woods next to it, and it is planted on the side of the house. I never have trimmed the bush, so it has grown tall and crooked, straining to find the sun. Nor do I think about it all year round until the spring comes and it is in full bloom. Then, one day I am surprised and overwhelmed by the crimson-coral explosion of color on the side of the house! It can almost take my breath away.

Even as the Azalea’s blossoms faded and fell to the ground, the remnants of its former glory, combined with sun and shadows, stirred and inspired me with the beauty of nature.

Has your heart ever been stirred by a poem, a flower, a painting, or one lone candle? I would love for my life to be that kind of help for someone. Wouldn’t you?