Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

Morning Quiet Time

“Rise and Shine!” Oh, it is hard!
To face another day—
My pillow’s like a lonely friend
Who beckons me to stay. 

“Do not rise!” My eyes complain,
While fighting to stay shut.
My covers make a warm cocoon,
My bed, a comfortable rut. 

Slippered feet—my only help,
They shuffle toward the door;
Past the clock, to my robe,
They help me win the war.

To the light, now the sink,
Wash those eyes, then go
To the room where Jesus waits,
His love for me, to show.

Secrets that He longs to share
And treasures rich and sweet,
Greet me in His Holy Book,
When My Lord, I meet.

“Help me Jesus,” this I pray,
“To overcome my flesh.”
Every day I must be strong
And feed my spirit afresh.      

© 2015 gratefulsue

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