Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Worn out Welcome

The Why-dids and What-ifs
are my long-time guests.
They stay at my house;
they ne’er seem to rest.

I invited them over
a long time ago.
I feed them like kings;
I hear all they know.

If ever one pauses,
another still chatters.
Whether I seem disinterested
seems not to matter.

Would someone please tell them
their welcome has ended?
I regret the day I
those whiners befriended.

If Why-dids or What-ifs
should visit your home
Don’t welcome or feed them…
not even a bone!

© 2015 gratefulsue

back to Authenticity and Empathy

July 17, 2021
On May 1st, 2021, I announced on my former website that I hoped to give a new look by the following month. Then, on June 1st, I admitted that it had not happened yet and I was wasting a good amount of time with worries. Change is hard! How do I do this? What if I go about it in the wrong way? What if people don’t like the change?

Now, it is finally done (or, I should say, begun) and you are looking at the new design. Hopefully, you appreciate the new look, photos, and the reduction of volume (although, the number of posts will increase with time). In honor of authenticity, and some serious worrying, I have re-posted my June 1st poem from my former website, Worn out Welcome.